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Like clay in the hands of the potter | כחומר ביד היוצר   



a short film about the danger in social media  accessibility, digital vendettas and kids exposure to adults content.




16:9, PAL.

Israel / 2008 / 5 min.

Seven  |  שבעה  

a short about humiliation.


Cast: Yona Rozenkier, Adi segal.

Directed & edited by: Ori Noam.
Cinematography: Oded Ashkenazi.

HD 1080 25p, 16:9, PAL.
Israel / 2010 / 4 min.

Zodiac copycat |  זודיאק  

a remake  scene from David Fincher's "Zodiac".

Cast: Rony (Super-star) Duani, Gal Shaham.

Directed by: Ori Noam.
Cinematography: Oded Ashkenazi & Tom Goldwasser.
Editing by: Ori Noam.
Produced and recorded by: Yoav Hornung.


Film stock: Vision 2, D250, 16 mm. cropped to 1:1.85, PAL.

Israel / 2009 / 6 min.

7-eleven  |  פיצוציה  

a short film about ending of virginity.

Cast: Eldar Brantman, Maytal Michaeli.

Written and directed by: Ori Noam.
Cinematography: Tom Goldwasser.

16:9, PAL.
Israel / 2009 / 5 min.

Tombstone     |     מצבה

a short film about womanhood despite of difficult circumstances.

Cast: Maytal Michaeli, Roni Ya'akobovich

Written and directed by: Ori Noam.
Cinematography by:
Oded Ashkenazi.
Sound recording:
Yinon porat.


16:9, PAL.
Israel / 2009 / 9 min.

Cochlear    |    שבלול 

a short film about how far would a formerly-deaf 22-year-old will go to help his deaf mother when she encounters an economic disaster, while he's on his after-army-trip. 

Cast: Gal Lev, Ilana saban.

Written and directed by: Ori Noam.
Produced by: Ofir Goldman.
Cinematography by: Nir Waiss.
Edited by: Nitzan Rozenberg.

16:9, PAL.
Israel / 2008 / 18 min.

SkatePark    |    סקייטפארק
a premise about youth, sex, drugs and HIV.

Cast: Gal Lev and Gaya Shalita Catz

​Written and directed by: Ori Noam.
Cinematography: Tom Goldwasser.
Editing by: Dafi Farbman, Yinon Porat.
Sound recording: Yoav Hornung and Dassy Rozen.

HD 1080 25p, 16:9, PAL.
Israel / 2012 / 9 min.


Ruth, End.    |    .רות, סוף

An international award winning short film about an elderly woman in a geriatric ward who finds herself in an existentialist and controversial journey, on the thin line between life and death.

Cast: Orna porat, Ruth farhi, Ashot gasparian, Alisa spektor, Alisa Spektor,  Margo Melech,  Efraim Levanon,  Semyon Gerber, Shlomo Toledo, Alisia Zimerman.

Written and directed by: Ori noam
Produced by: Ofir goldman and Yoav hornung
Cinematography: Oded Ashkenazi
Editing by: Dafi farbman
Musical Score: Amir Sinai Weisglass
Art Director: Tamar menashes, Hila noam.

HD 1080 25p, 16:9, PAL.
Israel / 2010 / 18:18 min.

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